The god problem and the U.S. courts

You might think this piece of information I just got from the Brennan Center is about the Supreme Court decision about allowing prayers before town hall meetings in Greece, New York.
It’s not, but it’s a scary follow-up:

GOP Senate Candidates Call for Judges to Abide by Biblical Law

The conservative Iowa-based group The Family Leader hosted a debate for Iowa Republican U.S. Senate candidates on April 25th that focused heavily on biblical law. Opposing Views writes, “Almost every GOP candidate cited an adherence to God, the Bible, or natural law (which conservatives often refer to as rights from God) as a requirement for federal judge nominees.” Candidate Matt Whitaker, a former federal prosecutor, declared, “As long as they have that [biblical] worldview, then they’ll be a good judge. And if they have a secular worldview, where this is all we have here on earth, then I’m going to be very concerned about how they judge.” According to The Raw Story, “Radio host and retired Air Force colonel Sam Clovis said he would use natural law as a ‘litmus test’ for judges, while Sarah Palin-backed state Sen. Joni Ernst (R-Red Oak) said judges and senators should understand U.S. laws ‘come from God’ and make their decisions ‘within that criteria.’” Iowa Democratic Party Chairman Scott Brennan denounced debate moderator Erick Erickson for his comments against women and the LGBT community, saying, “Erick Erickson represents the fringe of the Republican Party that thrives on fear, ignorance and obstructionism, but that’s the exact type of senator these Republicans want to be.” In 2010, The Family Leader was part of a successful movement against the retention of three Iowa Supreme Court justices who had ruled in favor of same-sex marriage.

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