The god problem/global war on women

I am so nauseated about today’s two Supreme Court rulings, I haven’t much to say. And what I would say, others have already pointed out:

  • The five who came up with these appalling anti-women decisions are all male.
  • Although more than half the country is female, five males have slammed our rights to make our own health decisions and participate fully in unions.
  • Won’t even dip into the corporate take-over of women’s rights.
  • If you think with anger − but relief − that the suppression of women’s rights by fundamentalist religions happens only in somebody else’s country …

Here’s the Times article by Adam Liptak: Justices Rule in Favor of Hobby Lobby –

And here’s the Times article on the destructively anti-union (and, effectively, anti-women-workers) decision about home health care workers and union dues: Supreme Court Ruling Allows Some Public Workers to Opt Out of Union Fees –

The sole, small hope I have is that the Hobby Lobby decision will rouse every citizen to push hard for alternative health insurance if they don’t like the insurance provided through their employers and their insurance companies. All of us should have an option to sign up for national, i.e., non-corporate, health insurance via expanded Medicare.

And home health care workers can certainly coalesce around their unions and voluntarily decide to pay union dues.

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