A wise essay from the reliably massively intelligent Adam Gopnick at the New Yorker:
There is no need to amend the Constitution, or to alter the historical understanding of what the Second Amendment meant.
Source: The Second Amendment Is a Gun-Control Amendment – The New Yorker
And here’s my own essay–maybe not so massively intelligent but not dumb–from 2012, just after the Supreme Court made its twisted Scalia sister decision in DC v Heller, to which Gopnick refers.
My especial pride, at the end of the essay, is my One Gun/One Child Act. After read Gopnick, I re-read the OG/OCA and find, to my bitter horror, it’s grown from nasty satire into a sane prospect.
UPDATE 10/7/2015. BUT never fear all you gun nuts! People are not listening to Adam Gopnick or, for that matter, to me. This was on the front page of today’s New York Times:
While President Obama has called for stricter gun regulations, many in the Oregon community said the shooting rampage had only increased their belief in the importance of owning guns.
Source: Roseburg, Reeling From Massacre, Finds Security in Gun Ownership – The New York Times
UPDATE 10/9/2015. And more on guns (and Republicans) from the New Yorker’s John Cassidy:
Surely at least some of the Republican Presidential candidates have demonstrated practical and intelligent reactions to the Umpqua mass shooting? Not exactly.
Source: Republicans and Gun Control: A Sad Mantra – The New Yorker
AND ANOTHER UPDATE 10/9/2015, from The National Memo’s regular series, This Week In Crazy–with a fine, evocative photograph in full color. (Where is the kid’s sub-machine gun? Oh, probably under his legs.)
This Week In Crazy: The Stupidity Of A Free State
A well-regulated militia — which consists predominantly of disturbed white men who retch at the mere mention of “regulation” — being necessary to the stupidity of a free state, we can always look forward to hearing more pro-gun idiocy after a tragic mass shooting. Welcome to “This Week In Crazy.”