Two, count ’em! two! weird legal animal stories. Except one isn’t really an animal.

Actually, that’s not true. All of these animals were, um, animals.

Both from Lowering the Bar:

Woman Alleges Vicious Beagle Slain by Noble Pit Bulls – Lowering the Bar.:

But not before it bit her, and that’s why she’s suing the beagle’s owners for over $200,000.

First of all, I don’t think this is one of those cases that involves the debate whether pit bulls are inherently vicious or have to be raised that way. It’s probably enough to note that it involved, on one side, a single 10-year-old beagle, and on the other, four pit bulls that did in fact kill another dog. So let’s start with that.

Moving on from the vicious — oops, I mean “noble” — killer pit bulls we have a duck. A huge duck.

“The Huge Duck Scared Me,” Says Woman Ticketed for Failing to Yield to It – Lowering the Bar.

I like to think that most people would yield to a duck if it was safe to do so. But what if the duck was six-foot-four? The answer is apparently no.

huge duck

This duck was, in fact, an undercover officer dressed in a Donald Duck costume (and so arguably not “undercover” at all). He was part of an operation in Fort Lee, New Jersey, intended to encourage drivers to yield to pedestrians. According to Chief Kenneth Bendul, 102 pedestrians have been hit by cars in Fort Lee during the past two years, and he hopes the Pedestrians in the Crosswalk safety program will bring those numbers down.

OMG that’s right across the river! Fort Lee! On the other hand, it’s right across the river. Jersey. So…


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