To continue the tale of Saturday and what we were talking about, it was my brother who first saw the news on his phone. “Trump’s been shot at a rally.”
After the first vocalized wishes, we shrugged them off to wish for a fairly immediate concentration on federal court procedings and that prison will eventually curtail this nightmare, or satire, or mass psychosis, or whatever you feel you’re living through.
So what really happened?
So many conspiracy accusations around on TAFKET and in the Daily News readers’ comments. So many. And then Cannon’s nonsensical and non-law decision today, generating a bunch more conspiracy accusations.
That strange video and the extracted still did look absurdly staged, didn’t it? As does Cannon.
Who knows? The people trying to entangle us all in fears and violence and Trump’s majesty and future triumphs and/or catastrophes…are not completely sane (I’d say grandiose paranoia reigns over that group) and, imitating the limits of their leader, are not very intelligent. The attempted replicas of Germany in 1933 are widely askew, pretty superficial and have been thrown at us fairly haphazardly. Besides, since everything Trump does is egregiously out there because he’s a reality TV creature reading a script and can’t keep his mouth shut, there will be leaks.
Trump’s maybe bleeding ear or maybe not really bleeding ear is not the Reichstag fire, folks. Just isn’t.
MAGAtts have lately been tossing everything into our public space, sort of like the final explosion of fireworks that crowd the night skies and make a lot of loud noises. But then they end, the smoky haze dissipates, and we all go home.
Fireworks and manufactured, frantic political noise are ephemera. Polls are ephemera.
What isn’t ephemeral is voting.