Only in a Sidebar context, I mean. So here’s the fairly amusing muddle that is the Martha Stewart-J.C. Penney-Macy’s lawsuit. Which, in James Stewart’s good-spirited New York Times article, begins:
The end may be near for the long-running fight between Macy’s and J. C. Penney over Martha Stewart merchandise. Then again, it may not.
Judge Jeffrey K. Oing, who presided over the much-publicized trial last March in New York State Supreme Court, said then that he’d rule soon after post-trial arguments were heard and briefs submitted. That was in August, but then the judge went on vacation. In September, he gave J. C. Penney and Martha Stewart a deadline of next Friday, Oct. 25, to resolve their troubled relationship, and if they don’t, he said, he really would rule. (When I called Judge Oing’s chambers, one of his clerks said he had no comment.)
Kinda sounds like everyone is taking a long summer’s nap on top of the Martha merchandise.