Why did people vote for Trump? They’re scared

From 538 Significant Digits:

90 percent

Natural disasters are not equal opportunity calamities. A Small Business Administration analysis found that about 90 percent of the country’s damage costs from natural disasters happen in ZIP codes with less than 20 percent of the country’s population. If you’re in the mood to see what that looks like on a map — or want advice of where not to move — the New York Times has done yeoman’s work in compiling more than a decade of disaster data. [The New York Times]

If you put this info together with Reason Two (why people might have voted for Trump)…well, maybe being thumped repeatedly with natural disasters has had an effect on their amygdalas.

All of the above I laid out more or less tongue-in-cheek but now I’m thinking: could a hypervigilant brain — one that reacts more easily to fear-mongering — be related to where these people, i.e., Trump voters, live?

Fortunately for me, I haven’t the resources or the desire to launch a scientific study. Whew.



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