Mysteries of Life in Michelle Goldberg’s column

I love Michelle Goldberg and read everything she writes.

So I read today’s piece in the Times –– “The Year Justice Caught Up With Trumpworld” — with understandable enthusiasm.

But that’s not why I’ve linked you to this. Here’s why, in her first paragraph:

Ever since the 2016 election, it’s been common for some people to refer to whatever year we’re in as a synonym for dystopian weirdness. (Last year, for example, CNN’s Jake Tapper tweeted “Peak 2017” about a headline saying, “US ambassador denies own comments, then denies denial.”) The world has felt continuously off-kilter, like a TV drama whose writers developed a sudden fondness for psilocybin. Last month astronomers at Harvard wrote that a strange oblong space object “may be a fully operational probe sent intentionally to Earth vicinity by an alien civilization,” and it barely made a ripple in the news. There was simply too much else going on.

OK, now, let me reprint this:

Last month astronomers at Harvard wrote that a strange oblong space object “may be a fully operational probe sent intentionally to Earth vicinity by an alien civilization…”

OK, and let me bold it:

Last month astronomers at Harvard wrote that a strange oblong space object “may be a fully operational probe sent intentionally to Earth vicinity by an alien civilization…”

Uh……did you know this?



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